Morimond I


 The first photo shows the remains of the library of the Abbey of Morimond in the diocese of Langres, which straddled Burgundy and Champagne before the Revolution. Morimond was the fourth daughter of Cîteaux, and was founded by its English Abbot, St Stephen Harding. Another English connection, mentioned in the recent book Raised from the Ruins, by Jane Whitaker, is that it was Abbot Jean of Morimond who was instructed by the Cistercian General Chapter in 1449 to go to England and hold the first visitation of the Cistercian St Bernard's College (later to become St John's), Oxford. The abbey held substantial lands in Burgundy, including vineyards around Dijon and townhouses in Dijon itself.

The abbey's former wine depot in Dijon:

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